SCHOOL YEAR SESSION STARTS WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7 thru JUNE 17, 2017 *Tuition is Month to Month at DCPAC - no long term obligation!*
2016-2017 TUITION SCHEDULE YEARLY REGISTRATION FEE: $25 for First Family Member - $15 for 2nd Family - $40 maximum family rate
Note: Tuition remains the same amount for each month from September to June. Registration continues thru Fall but classes are filled on a 'first come' basis. All Returning Students will need to register for each new year session.
Recreational Division Company "Team" Division 30 Minute Class per week - $52 monthly 1 Class per week $65 mo. 2 Classes per week $125 mo. $130 monthly tuition 3 Classes per week $165 mo. $170 4 Classes per week $195 mo. $205 5 Classes per week $220 mo. $230 6 Classes per week $245 mo. $255 7 Classes per week ............ $275 8 Classes per week ............ $300 9 Classes per week $320 10 Classes per week $335 Unlimited $350
** FAMILY DISCOUNT=$10 off a month per each sibling. First child pays full tuition. **BOY'S SCHOLARSHIP - see below for more complete info
**If you do Not have an account with us: NEW INCOMING STUDENTS: Please first REGISTER /CREATE ACCOUNT for your child so the teacher knows your child is coming to the classand class space is saved for them in our system. If not sure on a class choice, a student can take a TRIAL CLASS at NO OBLIGATION/CHARGE so do NOT make your payment - X OUT OF Checkout / payment page. After taking the Trial class will then need to make payment before returning to the 2nd lesson. "X" out of the system/computer at Checkout/Payment area and your Account Info will be saved. Note that Registration for a class guarantees the students a place in the class. Registration does not commit you to any class. *Please Note: AGE listed is only a guideline. If you don't see a class listed for your child's age/level, please contact us before deciding there are no class options for your child. Thank you. BALLROOM Program A student will need to take 2 classes per week to progress with others. If unable to do so--teacher ok must be given. Note: If a dancer misses their class there are No Makeup classes given and no credits to tuition. No Boys scholarship offered in this program. ADULT FITNESS classes are ongoing - year round. Pay teacher directly and do not register ZUMBA Schedule - go to to register and see schedule. Only Class times are listed on our website. We offer ZUMBA, JAZZERCISE, NIA. Adult Jazz and Tap through the studio. Celeste Tap IS ENROLLED through her – come to class and speak with Celeste. CLASS SIZE MINIMUM:If a class is low enrollment, it may have to be cancelled or moved to new day/time- Students will be offered a transfer to another class. The office will notify you by email if this should occur.
NO REFUNDS: *Tuition is NON refundable once payment received- only will be refunded or credited if an injury or illness occurs to not allow taking class(s). MD note must be received.
*Tuition is Month to Month at DCPAC - no long term obligation!*
PAYMENT OPTIONS: DEBIT /CREDIT card - Autodebit is offered and preferred at No extra cost-Visa/Mastercard. -Will be done between the 3rd-5th of each month. If you put a card on file and have not paid your tuition by the 5th, you agree to have your card processed during the month by our office to avoid late fees. If you do not want this, do not put a card on file. -Check: left at Office tray by 5th of the month. -Cash: done at the Office by 5th of the month--must receive receipt to be confirmed.
** FAMILY DISCOUNT=$10 off a month per each sibling. First child pays full tuition. **BOY'S SCHOLARSHIP - see below for more complete info **REGISTRATION / INSURANCE FEE: #1 Student=$25, #2 Student=$15, $40 Family Maximum.
IMPORTANT: To finalize your enrollment, please continue on and that will take you to the CHECKOUT page. If taking trial class, can X out of this page without making payment yet and all your information will be saved and sent to us. You can plan to attend the class unless notified otherwise.
**CLASS TUITION POLICY Is paid each month - a month can be 3, 4, or 5 lessons - is the same amount each month as class tuition is a yearly cost divided by 10 months - Sept-June. **If Student Misses a Class / lesson for any reason: they can take makeup class-30 days before or after the missed class. No tuition credit allowed to be used for missed classes to another month. -If injured or severe illness with MD note--tuition may be prorated-- contact our Office
***BOY'S PROGRAM & SCHOLARSHIP: This program is to encourage/support boys in the arts, A guy can take 2 classes per week of different dance styles and receive 2nd class for NO EXTRA cost. When taking 2 per week will only pay for 1, Take 3 classes pay for 2 and etc. Please Note: This program does not apply to the Ballroom Division. Tuition amount is the higher amount if a 30 minute class at lower tuition amount is taken. Note: Boys Scholarship and Sibling discount can not be used together- can use one or the other.
**DROP/WITHDRAWAL OR TRANSFER A CLASS ONLY can be done by the Office and should be sent in an email to: [email protected] by the end of the current month and before the first of next month. Note: Tuition is NON refundable- only will be refunded or credited if an injury or illness occurs to not allow taking class(s). MD note must be received. **Upon Registering you will electronically agree to all our listed / stated policies.
*LIABILITY RELEASE-all parents of minor or adults entering the program are responsible to notifying the Office/Staff of any preknown medical or physical situation-previous or current injury, etc. Upon registering a student-minor-into the school, the parent/guardian agrees to all of the listed here DCPAC studio tuition, payment, withdrawal of a class and conduct policies. Also, accepting to take a Trial Class and complete a Registration into the school releases Dance Connection PAC staff/owners of all liability or injury upon entering/taking a dance class within a studio.
PHOTO RELEASE FORM Students of DANCE CONNECTION PERFORMING ARTS CENTRE (DCPAC) may have the opportunity to be photographed or video taped at various dance events. These photos or videos may be included for publications or advertisements, including on our website, social media. To ensure privacy, specific names of children will not be included. No financial compensation shall be given for use of any photographs or videos. Once you registerer into classes, you are acknowledging that Dance Connection Performing Arts Centre may choose to use your photo or video at any time, and may do so at its own discretion at a later date. Dance Connection Performing Arts Centre also reserves the right to discontinue use of photos or video without notice. Upon your registration, you agree that you have read this release and understand its contents and you consent to and authorize the use by DCPAC, or anyone authorized by DCPAC, of any and all photographs or videos which have been taken of your child/children.
*Dismissal from the school at anytime is at the discretion of the Director-owner(s). *Phone Calls/Emails are recorded for quality assurance and training purposes.